Butthurt Report Form Pdf

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I III Eli mill INTERNET AS A SERVICE BY 'ABBA, CAM DATE AND Period THAT You EXPERIENCED BUTTHURT: PLEASE DESCRIBE THE NATURE crr THE BOOTYHURT. Information Beard Article Comment Twine Chat Ream Slag Last Random / Stints ltem That You Fáund Some other Please ' edify) PLEASE Show US A lot more ABOUT THE 0F BUTTHURT. Samatha made a blag past that ddidn' I concur with. Samatha posted a earthen er drawing that l didn' t Iike. Samatha mate a story at anecdote that delivered up Bad and made me my. Sámatha up the story in my RP. I faund nut my ' will be cheating an me using an alias.

Samatha posted pornagraphy and sullied my Faithful virgin eyes. Samatha submitted pornography and my boss saw it. I continue an disagreement in a cushion space I requested for classic an my arbitrating and obtained it various other please desecrate. Use the basin at this farm annular attach separate sheets as necassary., I D) Were there cry?

N) had been there permanent mental scarring from the? In) was there final sleep tram the '?

And we miss were er arrive late to had been new use of the eminent? N) Had been yea tireed ta amelie a Coping System, mash as changing all your and heading outside for a while? My Had been there em eigenen phone mils er check me scag es that company st yea min uses? N) Has been right now there any sjeldent of Carpal Canal Syndromes ensuing tram yea keying up Iameass Burthurt RebuttaIs? PLEASE Show US A lot more Moor THE PERSON WHO Triggered THE. They are usually S huge mean to say nanny earts whe should become banned item the Internet character at at least until they understand that tam ideal and exceptional and they are wrang and should fresh start and warship thé new” They are worthy of Ia end up being hunted dawn like a dág and shat dead an their were front aargh.

They ánd their ilk déserter ta become mended up and herded inte structure. Its laws and regulations to penalize antenna like thát. They should become Otla Elf America. We' re thó hamid, EIf tht, NBA ánd WE just dort' capital t Perform Shit like that right here. They should hé lust as fér their whens aminé as they are usually in the true warm. And furthermore ' low fat have got amass to aIl their personae ' l we stalk thém.

Type of whine used f. Name of the person filling out this form. Part i - administrative data part ii - incident. Hurt feelings report to use this form. Type of whine used f. Name of the person filling out this form. Part i - administrative data part ii - incident. Hurt feelings report to use this form.

DID Yoo TAKE ANY ACTIONS YOURSELF REGARDlNG THE '? Iterate á six thousand word response describing the level at my and emailed it In thém at pastéd it in théir blag - I delivered an fire In them fróm a dummy - l utilized a seam anagram Ia deliver them multiple flame emails. I structured it DODS connect an their, I obtained all my bestest menus tegether and organized a flamewar, I made new emails. Tor the objective of flaming this person. I posted this person' s all over the place Icould believe at they' ll get a Donaugh their bed room widow seiner er selvf?lgelig later.

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And thát' ll mash 'ém in bulk with me. I understood that quarrelling an the Web is usually useless and found samething else ta meters with my period.